Beautiful Late Season Surf


Yesterday, the high surf warning from Wednesday was canceled. With light winds and good sized surf, North Shore surfers were treated to clean and beautiful conditions. Billy’s wife Carla snapped a few pictures of the waves.

The swell continued to fade today, but the winds remained light resulting in more good surf at selected breaks. I was able to sneak out for a quick session before work today. While the break where I ventured out was inconsistent, the ocean managed to put on an amazing show. Specifically, a pod of humpback whales put on a spectacular aerial display less than a half mile from my surf spot. I watched a particularly large adult breach repeatedly with a baby whale doing her best to imitate the adult. Not only were they breaching, but Mom was thrashing on the surface and slapping her fins repeatedly on the water. Needless to say, it was a fantastic sight.

The trade winds are expected to return this weekend with another high surf advisory slated for Sunday. These conditions will not be ideal for surfers, but it will be blissful for windsurfers and kite boarders.

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