Bed and Breakfast Process May be Improving


One month ago, I posted about the new approval process for Maui Bed and Breakfasts. I had been hearing through the grapevine that the Bed and Breakfast process was suffering from many of the inefficiencies of the old process. Applications appeared to be stalling with little forward progress. The good news is that this appears to be changing. I talked to an applicant last week who had just been approved. He indicated that after months of little to no progress, he was notified that he would be receiving his license after a flurry of activity .

It does not appear as if this applicant’s experience is isolated. The Maui News ran an article this weekend talking about some of the other recent Bed and Breakfast approvals. There have been a total of 18 Bed and Breakfasts that have received a green light for operations since the new ordinance was passed. That compares to 17 B&B’s approved in the previous 11 years. While some of the newly permitted Bed and Breakfasts had applied before the new ordinance, there are others that are getting approvals entirely based on the new process. The tenor of the article indicated that while there is still some inefficiency, the numbers alone attest to some concrete, positive changes.

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