Is 101C Kuau Beach Place better than a beachfront home?
You be the judge.
Similar to a beachfront property:
101C Kuau Beach Place has a beautiful unobstructed view.
101C Kuau Beach Place has easy beach access.
101C Kuau Beach Place is on over 1/2 acre of land.
Better than a beachfront property:
101C Kuau Beach Place has privacy!
101C Kuau Beach Place has multiple producing fruit trees.
101C Kuau Beach Place has less wear and tear from wind and salt.
101C Kuau Beach Place has no erosion.
You might also like the solar PV system that reduces the electric bills; the open living area and the short walk to Paia…
But best of all…it is half the price (or less) of comparable beachfront homes!
Now offered at a better price of $2,200,000
Better than beachfront? Come take a look and you be the judge. This home is no longer on the market Contact The Maui Real Estate Team for assistance with other homes in the Paia area.