Honua’ula Public Meeting Forthcoming


County council chairman Mike Molina committed that there will be a night meeting for the public to provide additional commentary on the proposed Honua’ula development. The meeting will be held sometime during the week of September 10th-14th with the Kihei Community Center as a possible location. The need for an additional meeting has been debated between members of the county council. However, the meeting was required by rules of the county charter after three council members requested the meeting. Molina’s announcement comes on the heals of an additional land use committee meeting from Monday discussing the various conditions that the developer needs to satisfy in order to move forward. The private golf course at Honua’ula was the specific topic of debate. Council members opinions ranged from those that thought it should be a public course to those that thought that the developer had made a number of other concessions. A compromise was met that stipulated the course would be open for public use once a week. Also subject to debate was whether or not the development’s waste water should be done privately or connected to the public system. A tentative agreement was set that it should be incorporated into the public system.

Click here for the Maui News Article discussing the golf course and wastewater treatment conditions.

Click here for the article on the proposed public hearing for Honua’ula.

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