Jaws Photos December 8, 2009


I know some of our regular readers may be wondering if I am turning this site into a surf blog based on the focus of recent content. That being said, I thought it was worth posting a few more photos from today’s action at Jaws. There has been a lot of excitement and anticipation over this week’s swell. Many were touting this as a historic surf event. It turns out that the biggest wave energy from the storm went to the Northeast of Hawaii. While the waves didn’t quite meet expectations, mother nature still put on a heck of a show. I woke up at the crack of dawn this morning to head out to Haiku and check out the waves at Jaws. The first ten minutes or so, I was second guessing my decision to forego the extra hour of sleep. I must have arrived at a lull as it wasn’t long before Jaws was roaring to life with some good sized sets. The following are some photos capturing the surf today December 8, 2009.

I want to give thanks to my friend Salma for driving and allowing me to share her photos. In addition to being a pretty good photographer, she is also a great CPA. If you are in the market for a new CPA on Maui, let me know and I would be happy to pass along her contact information.

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