Maui Arts and Cultural Center Notes


The first annual Starbucks Maui ‘Ukulele festival was scheduled for October 15th. Unfortunately, that was the day that Maui was struck by a significant earthquake. The event was postponed and has been rescheduled for tomorrow. If you enjoy the annual slack key festival held every June, you’ll love the new ‘ukulele fest! The line-up includes Herb Ohta, Jake Shimabukuro, Richard Ho’opi’i, Manoa DNA, Kelly BoyDeLima & daughter Kalena, Hula Honeys, Da ‘Ukulele Boys, Kalama Intermediate School Ukulele band, and more! The event runs from 2:00-6:00 PM at the A and B amphitheater at the Maui Arts and Cultural Center. In addition to the music there will be lots of great food and door prizes. Best of all, the event is free!

The Maui Arts and Cultural Center is a true jewel of the island. It provides great local entertainment like the ‘Ukulele festival and it also attracts world class performers. The latest performer scheduled to perform at the MACC is the legendary Billy Joel. He will be performing outdoors at the A and B amphitheater on Monday December 18th at 7:00 PM. Tickets are already available for MACC members with tickets available for the public as of the 20th. If you have been thinking about joining the MACC, now might be a good time as it is likely that the event may sell out before becoming available to the public.

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