Paia’s Lowest Priced Homes


Billy just listed the two lowest price homes in Paia. These condominium homes are in a great location in the Kuau area of Paia. They are just a short walk from surfing, windsurfing, the beach and world class dining at Mama’s Fish House. The one home is 2 bedroom/1 bath with with 500 square feet of living space. The other home is a 3 bedroom/ 1 bath with 720 square feet of living space and 7,047 square feet area of exclusive use.

Exterior of the three bedroom condo home.

Kitchen area of the two bedroom condo home.

Nearby Mama’s Beach

The two bedroom is listed for $325,000. The 3 bedroom is listed for $449,000. These homes are subject to short sale. These homes sold. Contact us for assistance with other Paia Homes for Sale.

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