The future of Wailuku Real Estate


This is my first attempt on the blog, so please excuse any formatting or other errors. The question above is one that I have been pondering for quite some time. There is a significant amount of development (in progress and planned) for central Maui. The Maui Lani developments in Kahului, Jesse Spencer’s planned affordable housing in Waikapu, the multi—million dollar expansion at Maui Memorial Medical Center and several other projects such as Ohia at Kehalani mean that central Maui will keep the construction industry busy for the forseeable future. Combine these projects with the redevelopment efforts in downtown Wailuku and there may be some interesting opportunities for savvy real estate buyers.

Interested in owning a hotel on Maui? There is one for sale in Wailuku. Ever dreamed of owning a bed and breakfast? There is at least one of those for sale as well? What about a lot that is zoned Multi-family with four units on it already? You guessed it…

The Wailuku redevelopment plan has been in place for many years. It seems to be really gathering some steam. Market forces appear to be the real catalysts of the redevelopment. For some interesting reading, you can check out the redevelopment plan on the Maui County Website.

If you would like to discuss the possibilities / potential of Wailuku real estate, please contact either me or Pete.

A hui hou


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